วันจันทร์ที่ 2 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2565

Physiotherapy with 8 rear shoulder structure stretching options

It is possible that the most common image of shoulder stretch must be “the cross body stretch” which has been online and offline. Shoulder Stretches are various poses and directions to involve front and rear muscles. Physiotherapists use shoulder stretches to contribute treatment with shoulder pain and shoulder health promotion. 

Rear shoulder structures stiffness or posterior shoulder tightness are related to many shoulder disorders and shoulder pain. They are muscles and shoulder capsule that can be impaired by disease such as frozen shoulder (shoulder capsulitis), rotator cuff injuries, rotator cuff repaired, etc or activities, such as, swimming, tennis, golf, baseball, volleyball, etc. 

“Posterior Shoulder Tightness has been defined in terms of reduced glenohumeral joint internal rotation and/ or glenohumeral horizontal adduction compared to the contralateral shoulder.”

Referring to this definition, I have seen more clinical cases that are able to develop limited shoulder elevation and glenohumeral head anterior translation. 

According to public articles, defining posterior shoulder tightness is considered a side-to-side difference ranging from 7 degrees to 20 degrees as an indication that posterior shoulder tightness is present. In the clinic, some of my patients with both shoulders internal rotation deficit, I compare to the normative range of motion. If shoulder internal rotation deficits greater than 10 % of normative, I will imply posterior shoulder tightness. By the way, the normative of shoulder internal rotation is 90 degrees. 

The relatively high incidence of posterior shoulder tightness in both athletic and nonathletic populations suggests its relevance to musculoskeletal shoulder pain. Posterior shoulder tightness is considered a contributor to posterior impingement, rotator cuff tendinopathy, subacromial impingement syndrome, collectively termed rotator cuff–related shoulder pain. Additionally, I have found in frozen shoulder (shoulder capsulitis) which is the stiffness of posteroinferior capsule and impaired rotator cuff muscle that accompany the posterior deltoid and triceps. 

This article demonstrates VIDEO to stretch rear shoulder structure for shoulder pain treatment in my clinic and can be patient instruction as a home program. 

Static stretching is the best way which I always suggest. Stretching to the point where “tightness without pain” or “noticeable tension without pain” will hold at that point for 30 seconds of 3 - 4 repetitions in each muscle.

8 rear shoulder structure stretching options 

Exercise #1: Sleeper stretch 

Exercise #2: Infraspinatus stretch 

Exercise #3: Cross body stretch

Exercise #4: Eagle pose stretch

Exercise #5: Traditional tricep stretch

Exercise #6: Modified triceps stretch

Exercise #7: Rhomboid stretch

Exercise #8: Shoulder pendulum: this is a special stretch of rotator cuff because it is a dynamic stretch which needs to draw clockwise and anti- clockwise circles 15 reps each direction for 3 - 5 sets. 








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